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5 Benefits of Networking you need to know in 2023

Many of us wonder why some people keep getting back to back opportunities in life while we starve for that big career move. The people who keep getting opportunities are most likely great networkers ! There are a lot of benefits of networking, but only some are able to use this critical skill effectively.

I am not undermining the role of skills here. Without skills, you will go nowhere, you need to work and keep upskilling yourself if you want to succeed. However, to showcase these skills, you need to be good at networking as well. 

Networking is an essential part of any successful career. 

With the right connections, you can find mentors, discover new opportunities, and build a strong support system. 

Here, I list down five top benefits of networking in your career:

5 Benefits of Networking

1. Get Professional Advice: 

Networking provides the opportunity to connect with industry professionals who can offer valuable feedback and advice. These mentors can help guide you in the right direction and provide you with tips and tricks for a successful career.

You need to keep finding opportunities to get in touch with such people. A good mentor can create incredible shifts in your career by helping you get more self aware ,set realistic goals, and guiding you through them.

2. Increase Your Visibility: 

Establishing yourself as a leader in your industry is critical for advancement. You need to keep helping people to establish that identity. 

Networking helps you increase your visibility by getting your name out there and making connections with potential employers.

I frequently work with founders (sometimes even pro-bono) to build my own network. 

Don’t even get me started at how many opportunities this benevolent behaviour has provided me ! 

3. Discover New Opportunities: 

Networking gives you access to job openings, potential projects, and other career opportunities that you may not have heard about otherwise. 

Plus, if you impress someone in your network, they may be more likely to refer you for a job or project. 

These opportunities are commonly not available on public job portals – they are part of a select privy group. Networking helps you get access to such groups. 

4. Build Your Professional Reputation: 

Building relationships with other professionals in your industry is a great way to build your professional reputation. This will make you a more attractive option for employers and can even lead to more job offers.

Your reputation precedes you. It adds credibility to anything you say. It also is a great source of professional reference. 

5. Get an Edge Over the Competition: 

With networking, you can gain an edge over the competition. Networking allows you to learn what other professionals in your field are doing and how they are succeeding. This can give you the knowledge and insight to reach the top of your field.

Again, such resources are not openly available and help you get into select groups that can benefit you. 

By taking the time to network and build relationships in your industry, you can gain the resources and connections needed to launch your career. Networking can be a powerful tool for any professional looking to advance their career. 

Let me know in the comments if you have any question on networking. 


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With a trajectory spanning from engineer to Ex-President of Sales at Whitehat Jr, Gaurav Yadav is a dynamic leader and startup consultant. Armed with an MBA from the Indian School of Business, he scaled organizations to 5X+ multiples, hiring over 4000 team members. A strategic mind and influential CXO, Gaurav passionately guides careers and shapes startup growth strategies, leaving an indelible mark on every venture he touches.


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